From Darkness to Light: How The Catholic Faith Overcomes New Age

This book is a personal conversion story of Priscilla Locke, who after decades of following New Age beliefs, found the truth in the Catholic faith. In these pages, the author shares her past mistakes and her conversion process, and how the Catholic faith overcame the false promises of the New Age.
The book also offers compelling arguments for the existence of God and the defense of the Catholic faith. With a solid theological perspective and the use of multiple reference sources, the author shows the strength and truth of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church in contrast to New Age beliefs.
This book is a call to all truth-seekers to turn away from the lies of the New Age and find the light of the Catholic faith.
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Priscilla Locke’s Conversion Testimony
- Brief explanation of the reasons why I wrote this book.
- Presentation of the focus of the book.
Chapter 1: Erroneous beliefs I had
- “You will be like gods” The eternal deception.
- Examples of new age beliefs and practices that contradict the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
- Reincarnation
- Astrology
- Energy healing – Reiki
- Channeling of spirits
- Pantheism
- Transcendental meditation
- Magic
- Tarot
- Yoga
- Animism and Fetishism
- Shamanism
- Feng Shui
Chapter 2: Why I Left the New Age: The Degenerations that Incorrect Beliefs Lead To
- Distortion of Jesus Christ
- Promiscuity
- Acceptance of Human Sacrifices
- Ethical and Moral Confusion
- Cult Mentality
Chapter 3: Understanding Relativism: A Guide to Defend the Catholic Faith
- Explanation of the importance of defending the Catholic faith.
- How to avoid falling into the trap of relativism?
- The danger of relativism in faith: Justifying beliefs contrary to sound doctrine.
Chapter 4: The importance of defending the existence of God
- The ontological argument: The existence of God through reason
- The cosmological argument: The existence of God through the first cause
- The teleological argument: The existence of God through the intelligent design of the universe
- The moral argument: The existence of God through the universal moral law
- Objections to the existence of God: Responses to common criticisms
- Conclusion: The relevance of defending the existence of God today.
Chapter 5: The Catholic Church
- Importance of the Catholic Church in the Catholic faith.
- Explanation of the importance of community and sacramental life in the Catholic Church.
- The Role of The Holy Spirit within the Catholic Church
- The Role of Mary within the Catholic Church.
Chapter 6: Spiritual practices to be in the grace of God.
- The Sacraments
- Prayer
- Prayer for the newly converted
Chapter 7: Conclusion
- Final reflection on the importance of the Catholic faith and the need to defend it against beliefs and practices that contradict it.
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